reading -6.5
writting -5.5
I still could not believe it till now that i could not pass their requirements which is 6.5 for every section in IELTS.People always expect that I am very good in English but in fact that, whenever test,English always become the lowest subject that I got. I found it very hard because I think I spoke English rarely with my friends and teachers during my previous secondary school,but thanks God that's a minor change after I enrolled in KBU.Most of the cases were in English even you are chatting with your moral lecturer. I'm very proud of all my English lectures as they never under estimate me although she knew my English was really bad.They tried to help me so that I would not just pass in the test but I could make better use from learning English. I have cried throughout my holiday last year after knowing my result but like saying always said, a friend is indees when a friend is in need.Many of my buddies consoled and supported me so that I would not continuosly give up and have a spirit to stand up again.reading -6.5
writting -5.5
For overall,i just got band 6 for my IELTS.I did very bad for my speaking .I became panic and my points were not arranged accordingly when i pointed my points to the examiner.fuh!! I knew many students could not get high mark for writting part maybe because the marking schemewas too strict.
challanges are what make life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful
Joshua J.Marine

challanges are what make life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful
Joshua J.Marine
we should not let success go to our heads or our failure go to our hearts.

Thomas A. Edison
I know, I still have some time to do well in my English. This year I will sit for English as a Second Language (ESL) and hopefully a tremendous improvement in my English will happen.I dont want a same mistake happen again. Therefore it's time for me to struggle and strive for my ESL.Come on Ina, you can do it.!!!cayook!! You just have to learn from mistake and then surely you can learn and absorb better.
Oh God,please help me so that I can pass ESL with flying colours and further my study in Germany...Amin!!
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